The Role of Youth Experiment in Rehabilitating At-risk Youth

The costs of living have skyrocketed globally, and recent statistics have shown an increased wave of crime across the U.S. Unfortunately, the majority of crime perpetrators are idle and unemployed teenagers and youth who have focused on negative energy by involving themselves in acts of crime and drug abuse. Youth Experiment is a Non-for profit organization that has realized the need to rehabilitate youth and get them involved in positive activities that can empower them to become better citizens in the future. The youth constitutes a majority of the U.S. population and it’s, therefore, critical to ensure their youthful energy is channeled into positive activities. 
Youth Experiment has an initiative to enable youths from Chicago and the surrounding areas to come out and discover their talents. A good number of youth have a unique talent that need to be nurtured into useful skills to enable them envision themselves as important members of the society. ​Through opportunities such as film, music and marketing, youths engaged in criminal activities are  brought in from various backgrounds to an environment where their talents can be put into usefulactivities.
Studies conducted have proved that youths engaged in crime don’t get a suitable environment, which can teach them to become better citizens. A good number also come from disjointed families where parents have failed in their role to make sure that their teenagers are adequately advised. Artee Einstein has programs meant to encourage cooperation, courtesy, hard work, critical thinking and education. It is important for at-risk youth to understand that engaging in criminal activities has no benefit and only jeopardizes their future.
Every participant is encouraged to believe in him or herself and appreciate that there’s always an alternative path to crime. This community-based program has registered high levels of success particularly involving students in video production projects with an aim of nurturing their skills in film. The results have been absolutely amazing with a number of projects successfully taking place and incorporating students from various backgrounds. The aim of these projects is to ensure that at-risk youth are encouraged to participate in activities that will strengthen social cohesion and encourage building of safer communities. 
Youth Experiment has succeeded in rescuing a lot of youths from street crime in Chicago. Recently, there are plans to expand the program to include other cities across the U.S. However, the society has been encouraged to take a more proactive role to invest in its youth by donating to the program to allow purchase of equipment and facilities required to make the rehabilitation successful. The organization’s activities are purely funded by donations from individuals and corporate groupings interested in the welfare of the youth. Successful rollout of education and rehabilitation of youths involved in criminal activities requires the support of the entire society.
Written by,
Christopher Bolden
7 months ago

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